Sheffield And South Yorkshire Deserve Better.

Imagine what life would be like if quality public transport and safe walking & cycling could replace most routine car journeys.

This is the vision we’re working towards. Help us make it happen!

Creating A Tram Network That's Fit For Purpose.

We call on the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and the local councils to unite and demand the funding to expand Supertram and bus services into a metro system fit for the 21st Century.


A proposed expansion of the existing tram network into a metro system that would connect the entire region.

Network design by Thomas Atkin. Map design by Simon Ross Gill.

  • Trams should be as well funded, frequent and reliable as trains on the London Underground.
  • Our expanded network would connect the towns and cities of South Yorkshire into one system with interchangeable tickets covering all buses and trams, integrated routes, and simple, capped fares.
  • The tram network should be properly integrated into other transport systems, with transferable tickets for buses, and bus & tram timetables aligned.
  • Tram stops will have bicycle storage and trams will be fitted with bike storage or racks.

Buses That Work For Passengers, Not Shareholders.

We call on the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to overhaul our bus system and prioritise passengers over profits.


Artist’s impression of a “Transport for South Yorkshire” zero emissions bus, with uniform branding, capped daily fares and integrated ticketing.

Illustration by Joe Kabat

  • Simplified, integrated ticketing across South Yorkshire, with capped daily fares so tickets are valid on all buses and trams.
  • Bus operators unified under a single recognisable branding.
  • Universal contactless tap-on ticketing.
  • Introduce clean, zero-emission buses.
  • Bike storage at bus interchanges and bike racks on priority bus routes.
  • Maintain free travel for under 18s and remove time restrictions on OAP bus passes.
  • Improve bus stops with more real time information, better shelters and better facilities at bus terminals.

Make Walking And Cycling Safe And Convenient For All.

Sheffield would be a better place for everyone if we made walking & cycling a normal, convenient and enjoyable way to travel. All trips, but especially commutes and journeys up to two miles, should be safe and pleasant by either foot or bike.

A proposed “active travel network” providing segregated bike lanes and infrastructure for the city’s main routes.

  • A safe and convenient network of fully-protected cycleways which connect homes, workplaces, shops and leisure areas.
  • Secure cycle parking at all public amenities including parks, shopping areas, libraries and leisure facilities. Facilitate on-street cycle hangars according to local demand. (You can register demand here.)
  • Cycling fully integrated with public transport, including spaces/racks for bikes on trams, bike racks on priority (commuter) bus services, and cycle parking at interchanges.
  • Make walking safer by removing obstacles from pavements (including parked cars) and properly enforcing parking laws.
  • Give pedestrians priority at crossings, provide wider pavements and clean, well-lit paths.

Re-design Streets For People, Not Cars.

We call on the city council, the Police & Crime Commissioner, local businesses, the community sector and others to fundamentally reimagine our local places, redesigning neighbourhoods and high streets for people, not cars.


Artist’s impression of South Road, Walkley, if it were designed for people instead of cars. Featuring pedestrian right of way at crossings, bike storage, and “mini” zebra crossings.

Illustration by: Sam Wakeling

  • 20mph as the default speed limit on all residential roads with clear, consistent signage. Neighbourhood Policing Teams to facilitate local community speed watch groups.
  • Make pedestrians the priority in residential streets and local shopping areas.
  • Facilitate on-road cycle hangars where requested by residents.
  • Establish a transparent, public process to allocating scarce resources to traffic calming, parking enforcement, speed cameras and other improvements.

Reduce Congestion And Make Our Air Safe To Breathe.

We will push for anti-congestion measures to make our city a more pleasant place to live and work, with air that is safe for our children to breathe.


Artist’s impression of the ring road if it were reconfigured for all transport types. Featuring segregated bike lanes and dedicated bus & tram lanes.

Illustration by Sam Wakeling

  • Begin consultation on a Workplace Parking Levy. Medium & large employers should make a contribution to the city’s public transportation.
  • Gradually increase the cost of parking relative to the cost of public transport.
  • Create more park & ride facilities at new transport hubs to make commuting easier.
  • Facilitate local consultation on neighbourhood parking permit schemes and improved parking enforcement.

We believe that:

Routine journeys should be cheaper and more convenient by public transport than by car.

Every trip of less than two miles should be safe and enjoyable to walk or cycle.

Public transport should be run for the benefit of people, not shareholders.

Residential and shopping streets should be safe and pleasant places for people of all ages.

Air should be clean and safe for our children to breathe.